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Psychological effects of colors
15 October 2020

Psychological effects of colors

Even if you are not aware of it, the colors you see around can guide your thoughts. For example, the red color increases blood pressure and activates the decision-making mechanism. Do you think it is a coincidence that famous hamburger companies prefer red in their decorations? Here are the effects of colors on the human brain …

The Language of Our Soul Is Hidden in Colors

The color of loneliness, loyalty and trust; blue

Blue; symbolizes loneliness, sadness, depression, wisdom, trust and loyalty. Blue color, especially dark blue, should definitely be avoided in neurology clinics, and psychologists should never wear blue clothes in patient interviews. Going to job interviews wearing blue signifies determination and commitment. If people who go to job interviews prefer blue color in their costumes, they can be accepted for the job. Although blue is one of the most popular colors, caution should be exercised in the use of blue in food related matters. Because blue is a natural appetite suppressant, and those who want to gain weight should stay away from blue as it can have a repulsive effect in some cases. For those with weight problems, painting their homes blue may cause them to lose weight. For this reason, those who have weight problems should paint their dining rooms and kitchens blue. Likewise, restaurant operators who want their customers to eat more should avoid the color blue. Blue and light blue stained environments increase efficiency and performance. In addition, people can remember more writings written in blue. For these reasons, the study rooms should be painted blue. Underlining notes that need to be remembered while working with a thick blue pencil makes it easier to remember things that are read. Light blue is soothing, in contrast to dark blue. While blue and white colors are sad, light blue and green tones and pink colors have a calming and soothing effect. In the personality analysis of those who prefer the color blue, it has been observed that these people are tolerant, tolerant, pro-negotiable and seek peace. These people are at peace with their environment and themselves; He is content with little, patient and steadfast.

Red; represents excitement, aggression and love of color

Red color; It symbolizes concepts such as hot, fire, blood, love, sincerity, power, excitement and aggression. Red accelerates blood pressure and breathing, pushes people to make quick decisions, and has a stimulating effect to increase expectations. Red-colored words and objects immediately catch people’s attention. It is important that the red objects are perfect when decorating and designing. Because people will notice these objects immediately. Red is a color that increases emotional intensity. Red clothes can put you in a free energetic mode of action. Those who have difficulty controlling themselves are advised to stay away from red. Red is a dominant color. It should be used not as a backdrop, but for emphasis. In the personality analysis of those who preferred the color red, it was seen that these people were fond of power and power. Red is power, power, those who prefer red use their capacity and power in a balanced way. He is also known for using his strength according to his abilities. These people are active, assertive, sociable and love to win and achieve. It is determinant and directive. It is desirous, appetite, ambitious. Effective and effective. He is reactive when describing his feelings. Leadership and leadership characteristics are immediately noticed by the society. He is enthusiastic and sometimes likes exaggeration.

An inviting, energetic color; yellow

Bright lemon yellow is the color that tires the eye the most. At the same time, the yellow color speeds up the metabolism. Painting the room bright yellow can cause babies to cry and adults to become angry. Also, a yellow page notebook and a yellow background on a computer screen are not a good idea. It tires your brain and eyes. Yellow gives a feeling of brightness and warmth when used in small quantities. Yellow symbolizes its playfulness, radiance, sincerity and a comfortable attitude towards life. It is inviting, just like a sunny day. Yellow is like sunlight, you want it to be there to feel good, but you don’t want it in your eyes. In the case of pale yellow, it symbolizes decay, sickness, jealousy and deceit. Therefore, when it comes to yellow, the selected tones are very important. People who prefer yellow color; He likes to be free and independent, enjoys changeability, can show a flirtatious and lush nature, spreads energy to his surroundings and has a high level of persuasion. Intellectuality, leadership, ambition and assertion are the basic elements of these people.

Green stands out with its calming and vision enhancing effect

Green is the most comfortable color for the eyes and enhances vision. It is calming and has a natural effect on the nervous system. Taking people into green-colored rooms before going on TV can calm their excitement. Green is also a popular color in hospitals. Because it allows patients to relax. Green, different shades of color convey different messages. While dark green expresses the concepts of coolness, masculinity, conservatism and wealth; emerald green represents immortality, olive green represents peace. In the personality analysis of those who prefer green color; it is seen that these people have a lot of self-worth feeling. When these people know the truth, they are persistent, they manage to influence those around them with their authority and credibility. Sometimes, by being exaggerated, the megalomaniac can display an arrogant personality.

White and black colors draw attention to solemnity

Black is a controversial color. It is associated with loyalty, persistence, endurance, prudence, wisdom, and trustworthiness, on the one hand, considered with dark forces, guilt and evil, on the other. On the one hand, it means rule and power, on the other hand, it means pain, grief and mourning. Black is the color of clothing for many people. Some use black to look strong and serious. Some prefer it because it shows weaker. White symbolizes purity, cleanliness and innocence. In many cultures brides wear white. It also symbolizes cleanliness. That’s why doctors, nurses, and lab technicians wear white to be sterile. White reflects light and keeps the environment cool. Therefore, it is the dress color of the summer month. It gives an overall cool and uplifting feel.

The most noble of colors; purple

Purple is the color of nobility. It symbolizes luxury life, wealth and elegance. It is also the color of romance, sensuality and passion. Some people like to use purple for decoration because of its flamboyant vibe. Others perceive it as an artificial color.

Brown indicates nature and reliability

Brown is the color of the earth and wood. It gives a solid and reliable feel. Brown allows to create a natural, relaxed and open atmosphere. Stagnation, strength, maturity and reliability are messages. Brown is generally the favorite color of men.

Psychology calms down with romantic pink

Its pink color is romantic and delicate. It also has a calming effect. Studies show that pink calms people and softens hearts. In a prison, it has been observed that the prisoners’ aggressive behavior disappeared when the door and window bars were painted pink. In a pink-colored room, even if one wants to get angry, it cannot be successful. Pink plays a calming role that attracts energy. Unfortunately, the soothing effects of the pink color can sometimes be short-lived.


